Dreams of great things begin with a Catholic Kindergarten education. A
complete education is not only intellectual, but physical, emotional, and
spiritual as well.

Next to a firm spiritual foundation built on Catholic values and faith, the
greatest gift a parent or guardian can give to a child is access to a
Catholic education as early as possible. The Kindergarten Program at
Bay Ridge Catholic Academy focuses on a well-rounded academic
curriculum with a special emphasis in hands-on learning experiences
which recognize that each child learns, grows and develops in their own
unique and significant way. Our Kindergarten teachers foster the social-
emotional and academic needs of each and every student. They also
encourage their spiritual growth by establishing a family community with
our school building. In our school community, all can share their faith
and Catholic values both inside and outside the classroom. Our little
learners explore the meaning and practice of good citizenship and
forming friendships.

All academic subjects, including English Language Arts, Science,
Mathematics and Social Studies follow New York State’s Standards as
part of our curriculum. Our English Language Arts program focuses on
balanced literacy including reading comprehension, writing and phonics
to prepare your children for higher level learning in the future. We attend
weekly trips to the STEM lab to perform experiments that provide an
immersive science education that sparks their young bright minds and
inquisitiveness. Math is taught by utilizing a variety of hands-on
manipulatives to help make a complex subject accessible and fun.
Social studies provides a foundation not only for learning about rules and
laws, but also about the diverse communities and environment that
surrounds us on a day to day basis. We attend first Friday Mass each
month, to ensure our students have the proper religious education that
teaches them about our church community. We continue to learn about
God’s love for us on a daily basis within the classroom.
Kindergarten students will also receive instruction in Art, Technology,
Spanish, Music and Physical Education where students will expand from
learning an instrument to learning a new language!

Our school year starts with establishing classroom routines and guiding
our kindergarteners through the school transition to ensure that they
become comfortable in their school environment and engage
appropriately with their peers. As the children evolve into students, we
move on to exploring our academic subjects. By the conclusion of the
school year our kindergarteners spread their wings and soar to great
heights as they enter first grade uplifted by the knowledge and
experience they’ve gained.

Each child that enters Bay Ridge Catholic Academy is a special part of
our school family. We not only intend to provide them with academic
knowledge, but to foster an environment where they feel comfortable
and safe within our walls. Building their confidence and providing them a
positive, secure environment is our utmost priority. We are eager to
expand the horizons of our young students’ minds to become the best
students / people they can be!